The Beginning

"If nothing ever changed, there would be no butterflies....."
The news is out there and we could not be more excited about the beginning of a new adventure. On April 1st, we announced that The Blue Butterfly House received it's Non-Profit status! We are doing this in baby steps, but we realize the impact that what we are about to embark on with have to the community one day.
The Blue Butterfly House will be a facility that will offer a safe environment for children to have Supervised Visits with parents or loved ones that are court ordered to do so. It is specifically targeted to non-DCFS court ordered Supervised Parent Time Visits.
When our dream is realized, we will see a facility that will foster a safe environment for Parent Time exchanges as well as Grandparent respite and Support Groups and other family services, filling in the gaps that the community currently has for these services in a Free or Cost Effective manner. Currently, professional Supervised Visitation, if you can find it, costs anywhere from $50 an hour or more. Parents wishing to spend the time with their children typically cannot afford to pay for a service such as this.
It will not be an easy effort, but so many have reached out in support of this project and the future benefit, we can't help go forward with . Thank you all that support us in this truly will be a journey of LOVE

Through our service to the community we honor our children that have passed, David and Kristie. We both feel as though our children are guiding us in this direction and providing a voice for other children...we are merely their hands doing the work.
Debbie and Suzun!